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Sperry Marine Compass Solutions

Sperry Marine compass solutions deliver the industry’s highest levels of accuracy and reliability for safer, more efficient and sustainable sailing.

We offer the broadest range of compasses to suit every operating scenario: from the basic magnetic compass and well-proven spinning mass gyros, to the latest generation of solid-state fiber optic gyros.
Choose from simple standalone systems for low initial investment to fully-networked, scalable platforms, providing a flexible upgrade path to support your digital transformation.

We offer the industry’s most cost-efficient networked heading management system. Complete solutions are available for new build vessels or individual compasses for seamless retrofit with existing systems.

For safer, more efficient and sustainable sailing

Stay compliant
All systems are type approved to applicable MED, IMO and IEC standards.
Single, dual, triple, quadruple-gyro and Transmitting Magnetic Compass (TMC) compliance.

Protect crew health
Maintenance-free Fiber Optic Gyros (FOG) solutions eliminate onboard visits from Marine Service Engineers.
Silent operation of bridge equipment on FOG solutions.

Improve flexibility
Networked solutions offer an open, scalable platform that supports any mix of up to four gyro compasses, plus one magnetic compass.
Flexibly upgrade individual compasses as required over the vessel’s lifetime.
Global 24/365 service and support at every major seaport, at anchor, offshore and even in passage.
Creates a connected, digital-ready platform for future remote access from shore.

Increase reliability
Networked solutions offer full system redundancy and maximum uptime.
Spinning mass gyros that deliver the highest accuracy and longest system life.
Fiber Optic Gyros (FOG) with no moving parts for maintenance-free, continuous operation; and deliver the longest system life.

Reduce through-life costs
Competitive fixed-price options for system and installation by certified Sperry Marine Engineers.
Faster, easier installation for networked solutions with up to 80% less cabling and standard interfaces to integrate third-party systems.
Low maintenance intervals on spinning mass gyros; no maintenance required on FOG systems.
5-year warranty on FOG systems.

Extend system life
Longest system life on all types of gyro.
Refurbishment programme for spinning mass gyrospheres.

Improve ease of use
Networked solutions enable simpler, safer management of all components through one common Control and Display Unit (CDU).

Optimise operational schedule
Fast start-up with the quickest alignment time on FOG systems.
No in-port delays for maintenance on FOG systems.

Reduce emissions
Stay on course with more precise heading and rate of turn data to help reduce fuel use.

Range of Sperry Gyrocompasses

  • Accurate and reliable spinning mass gyro compass
  • Cost-efficient operations
  • Single-gyro compliance
  • Sensor replacement in existing systems
  • Accurate and reliable networked spinning mass gyro compass
  • Safe, cost-efficient and resilient operations
  • Single, dual, triple, quadruple-gyro and TMC compliance
  • Upgrade path to retrofit existing compass installations
  • Affordable and reliable fiber optic gyro compass
  • Safe, cost-efficient, resilient operations
  • Single, dual, triple, quadruple-gyro and TMC compliance
  • Ideal for vessels in remote locations or on a tight schedule
  • Flexibility to sail in any latitude
  • Truly strapped-down solution with the lowest through-life costs
  • Precise and reliable Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG) compass and Motion Reference Unit (MRU)
  • More precise input to support route planning for specialist applications
  • Motion reference data for more complex operations
  • Fast start-up
  • Precise heading in high latitudes
  • Optimised route planning to reduce emissions
  • Safe, cost-efficient, resilient operations
  • Single, dual, triple, quadruple-gyro and TMC compliance

Magnetic Flat Glass Compass and Binnacles

Modern compass systems depend on access to power, GPS and, increasingly, connectivity. The basic magnetic compass is still the ultimate back-up when all else fails, and a key requirement on every vessel.

The magnetic compass systems of Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine meet the extreme marine and weather conditions. All components are built to a rugged design for reliable operation at sea, and type approved to the applicable MED standard.

Magnetic Compass System Components

  • NAVIPOL Magnetic Compass Binnacles
  • JUPITER Flat Glass Magnetic Compass
  • Flux-Gate
  • Universal Digital Repeater

The magnetic compass can be used either stand-alone or in combination with any of the gyrocompass systems.

CompassNet Heading Management System

Sperry Marine’s CompassNet is the most cost-efficient solution for controlling multiple heading sensor systems. It’s easier to deploy with significantly less cabling, less equipment, fewer connections and the use of standard Ethernet technology. It provides full system redundancy for improved reliability and efficiency, and creates a scalable, digital-ready platform for future remote access from shore.

CompassNet supports any mix of up to four spinning mass and fiber optic gyros, plus one magnetic compass for Transmitting Magnetic Compass (TMC) compliance, which can be flexibly upgraded as required. CompassNet is an open platform that supports third-party systems.

CompassNet incorporates the NAVITWIN V Control and Display Unit as the single access point for set up commissioning and operation, and a data distribution unit with built-in redundancy.


To provide maximum flexibility and convenience, the NAVITWIN V displays and monitors up to five heading sources (four gyrocompass headings and one magnetic compass heading) from a variety of heading sensors. The NAVITWIN V can provide a number of functions:

  • Heading source selector
  • Heading difference monitor
  • Off-heading monitor
  • Central gyrocompass control unit
  • Central service control unit

NAVITWIN V enables monitoring and control of all components within CompassNet. System information, heading and sensor data are displayed via an intuitive interface on a 4.3” colour screen. Automatic switching can be activated if there is loss of heading or a sensor malfunction. CompassNet also supports multiple NAVITWIN V, for redundancy or operation from another part of the vessel.

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If you would like to receive more information about any of our products and services, or require technical support please
Contact Us
Sydney (Head Office)
37/9 Powells Road
Brookvale NSW 2100
+61 2 9466 6800
5 Central Boulevard
Port Melbourne VIC 3207
+61 3 9646 0555
1/6 Cocos Drive
Bibra Lake WA 6163
+61 8 9434 9449
Unit 3 Balmoral Centre
Karratha WA 6714
+61 8 9144 2151
47/12 Charlton Court
Woolner NT 0820
+61 8 8942 2669
5/7 Hollingsworth Street
Bungalow QLD 4870
+61 7 4035 5929
PO Box 2057
Gladstone QLD 4680
+61 7 4972 7667
3/12 Aquarium Avenue
Hemmant, QLD 4174
+61 7 3390 7811